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I have been working on creating a new Windows Server 2008 virtual machine lately, so I decided to grab the latest version of VSeWSS 1.3 .  I immediately encountered the following error when trying to install. Please wait while the installer finishes...
First of all I would like to say this tool has improved quite a bit since the last version. However, I still feel that it has a long way to go before a SharePoint developer would actually consider using it. The functionality I am targeting today is the...
I have been building a large number of InfoPath Form Templates in Visual Studio 2008 lately and I have discovered it is can be quite the exercise in frustration when you want to put your files in TFS (or any source control for that matter). There are...
Back in February when version 1.1 of the Visual Studio Extensions for SharePoint came out, I really complained about the lack of support for Visual Studio 2008 and Windows XP / Vista. Version 1.2 finally came out so I decided to look and see if operating...
After talking to many different developers, I appear to be one of the few ones that have gotten remote debugging to work with a reasonable success rate. That is why I have decided to post on it today. Everything I am writing today is based upon my experience...
At the ODC (where I should be this week), Microsoft announced version 1.1 of the Visual Studio 2005 extensions for Windows SharePoint Services. This brings a lot of great new project templates and the ability to edit wsp files. What is it lacking? Well...