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The great thing about living in Texas is that there is three SharePoint users groups less than three hours away from me.  I’m excited to have the opportunity to be speaking in Austin twice in the next couple weeks.  The first talk is tomorrow...
I survived another SharePoint Saturday in Houston this weekend and had a great time.  It was fun seeing old friends and making some new ones as well.  As promised, here is a link to my slide deck posted on SlideShare.  Thanks again to Victor...
It’s been a busy month for speaking (among other things).  Last month, I spoke about getting started with SharePoint Online development at SharePoint Saturday New Orleans.  The New Orleans crew (Cherie, Beth, and Tiffany) did a great job putting...
I’m excited to be speaking at the first Office 365 Saturday in Redmond on 2/25.  This new event will be an exciting display of all things Office 365.  I’ll be talking about all of the cool things you can do with Search in SharePoint Online. ...