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I have been working with the new Office 365 Groups feature a little bit and I wanted to see how I could surface them from a regular SharePoint Online site.  In my example today, I have created two public groups and three private groups. My first...
Last week, I posted on how to query items matching a hashtag .  Today, I want to extend that concept further and talk about how to determine which tags are trending.  What I am specifically talking about today is the functionality in the “Trending...
If you’re like me, you like complete code samples.  I don’t like having to infer the code I am supposed to right when I see a reference in the API.  I don’t program much any more, so I admit I am lazy and want to see a complete example that...
Sorting search results has always been an interesting subject in SharePoint.  It was actually harder to do than you would think.  In SharePoint 2007, all you had was relevance and modified date (write).  The KeywordQuery class did not have...
I’ve recently taken an interest to building Windows Store Apps (aka Windows 8 Metro).  Not because I think I can get rich in the Windows Store but because I think it provides a unique way to present SharePoint data.  If you’re like me, you probably...
We have a brand new REST based API for interacting with Search in SharePoint 2013 Preview.  Unfortunately, there is not a lot of information out there yet on how to interact with it.  I have pieced together a couple of bits to help get you started...