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Quite some time ago, I wrote about how to set default column values using C#.  However, I find it useful to work with them using PowerShell quite often.  The reason being, I often use this as a utility to work set default column values on document...
My team and I have come to rely on SharePoint Workspace for our current project on a daily basis.  Most of us never even open a web browser even and browse project documents solely by using SharePoint Workspace.  It’s a great tool and allows...
At Tulsa TechFest , I gave a talk about the various new ECM features available out of the box in SharePoint 2010.  One feature of particular interest to the crowd was average ratings.  I had lots of questions on it so I thought it was worth...
This is kind of a weird one so I thought it was definitely worth posting.  Recently we were doing some integration testing where an external application was linking directly to specific folders.  The users would then upload a document in that...
I’ve been working with InfoPath again lately since I’ve been working with Document Information Panels and I thought I would share another quick tip today.  Observe the following .UDCX file. <? xml version =" 1.0 " encoding =" UTF...
I can’t continue to reiterate how much time SPSource can save you when it comes to exporting existing lists into usable features, but I found one minor thing to look out for when you are exporting lists.  Usually, you can take just about whatever...
Not too long ago, I talked about how to remove the Explorer View from a document library. As part of the post, I mentioned that I would post how to build a custom document library in the near future. That is what I am covering today. I really don't...
If you are building a custom document library solution, there may be a time where you don't want users to use the Explorer View of the document library. I am talking about the view itself and not the Open with Windows Explorer action in this case...
I have been doing a lot of document library work lately and in my work I had a need to create a series of subfolders in the document library using a particular custom content type. This meant I was going to need to write a little code. I decided to keep...
I have been working a lot with document libraries again and in this particular implementation, I had a need to create a pre-determined set of folders upon document library creation that were based upon a custom content type. I couldn't find a way...
I normally focus on actual useful information rather than just opinion, but today I am going to deviate a bit. After attening Tech Fest and listening to the elitists bash SharePoint as usual, I thought it was time for a post. I'll be the first to...