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This post is long overdue, but better late than never.  I had a great time at SPTechCon 2011 in Boston.  I had the chance to meet a lot of people in person for the first time that I had only previously known through twitter.  I gave two...
I was working on updating my Search demo for #spshou and my BCS search results were really ugly.  I didn’t have a default action specified on my search results, nor did I have a profile page, so instead the search results would give me the BDC protocol...
I’m excited to bring a SharePoint 2010 talk to the Tulsa SharePoint Interest Group this Monday (4/12).  Here is a brief summary. How many hours have your wasted building simple ASP.NET applications to do nothing more than simple CRUD operations against...
Ok, so the title may be overly dramatic, but the BCS is really freaking cool now.  With SharePoint 2010 just around the corner, now is the time to start learning how you can leverage it.  I’ll be talking about the Business Connectivity Services...
One of my favorite features in SharePoint 2010 is External Lists.  If you haven’t heard by now, the MOSS 2007 Business Data Catalog (BDC) has become Business Connectivity Services (BCS) in SharePoint 2010.  The ever better part is that it is...
I’m not privy to the NDA, so I got to look at some of the new SharePoint 2010 ( #sp2010 ) information for the first time with the Sneak Peak videos on the Microsoft site.  I’ll try not to just repeat information in the videos, but tell you what I...