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When I was mapping some managed properties from one of my Content Sources using the BCS, I noticed that the crawled properties were named slightly different in SharePoint 2010.  I thought this was worth a quick note, so here we are.  In MOSS...
Lots of things have changed in Enterprise Search and the CoreResultsWebPart is no exception.  Of course, I’ve already mentioned that you can override certain methods now to affect how queries execute.  A number of options have moved around and...
I had the honor of being the first speaker at the new OKC SharePoint Users Group ( OKCSUG ) last night.  Wendy Schopf did a great job organizing the location and event and there was a pretty decent turnout.  I’m very excited to see the SharePoint...
One common thing people have asked for in the MSDN Search Forums a lot (besides the obvious things like wildcard search) is the ability to get results that contain just documents.  In this case, people just want documents, no list items or folders...
You might have seen my last post on People Search and were so excited to try it out only to find that you only have a Basic Search Center template available or the search center you have already created doesn’t have a People tab.  By default, on...
Maybe you hadn’t noticed, but talking about Search is my favorite topic in SharePoint (with ECM closely following it). :)  This is why I am so excited about the new features we are seeing in Enterprise Search.  Wildcards and built in refinement...
I am pretty passionate about Enterprise Search and with MOSS 2007 I saw customers really struggle because wildcard search was not offered out of the box and most of the web parts in Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebParts are sealed.  Luckily, the...
I had a great time speaking again at Tulsa TechFest 2009.  I gave my intro talk on Enterprise Search again, but this time I updated it to talk about features upcoming in SharePoint 2010.  My slides are attached at the bottom of this post. ...
I attended numerous Search sessions at SPC09 and one thing that I was excited to see is there have been a few improvements in the keyword syntax that will pretty much eliminate the need to use Full Text SQL queries any longer.  In fact, the impression...