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I’ve done quite a bit of work with the client-side People Picker in SharePoint-hosted apps lately.  I find that while it is relatively easy to get set up, I found it was quite easy to break.  I have found that it tended to work better in Office...
When working with SharePoint Apps in Visual Studio 2013, you might receive the following error during deployment. App installation encountered the following errors:      @"Error 1         CorrelationId...
I recently ran into the following error when working with a SharePoint 2013 Client Web Part (App Part) while accessing the term store using SP.Taxonomy.js .  JavaScript runtime error: 'NotifyScriptLoadedAndExecuteWaitingJobs' is undefined...
On my latest install of SharePoint 2013 Preview, I encountered an error when running the Configuration Wizard.  After the wizard had been running for a while, I got the following error: Exception: Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPUpdatedConcurrencyException...