Wrapping up a great 2012 conference season

Posted Monday, July 16, 2012 1:41 PM by CoreyRoth

This summer has been absolutely crazy.  In the last month, I’ve been out of the country more than I have been in.  The season started with TechEd North America 2012 in Orlando, FL.  From there, I proceeded to fly directly to Toronto for a company retreat.  I came back for two days and jumped on a flight to Amsterdam for TechEd Europe.  I spent about six days back in Houston long enough to shoot off some fireworks for Independence day and then I was back on a flight to Toronto for SharePoint Saturday and the Worldwide Partner Conference (#WPC12).

It has been a blast.  I’ve gotten to reconnect with old friends and make a bunch of new ones.  I’m thoroughly exhausted. :)  I’ve given four presentations in the past month (all about SharePoint Online) and I wanted to provide links to the slide decks.

If you happened to attend one of my talks, thanks for attending. :)  If you have any additional questions, feel free to leave a comment or reach out to me on twitter.  Next up for me is most likely some user group sessions in Dallas and Houston.  I’m sure I’ll see a lot of you at SPC12 as well too.

Follow me on twitter: @coreyroth


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