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Windows 8 (
For those that know me, I am a die hard supporter of my Surface RT. Back in February, I wrote a post about why I chose it over a Surface Pro. The device wasn’t perfect and there were a number of issues that people had with it. With Window...
I take my Surface RT everywhere and I do mean everywhere. Whether it is lunch, the bar, the airplane, user group presentation, a client demo, if I am out and about, chances are I have my Surface RT with me. In the past month or so (long before the Surface...
I’ve recently taken an interest to building Windows Store Apps (aka Windows 8 Metro). Not because I think I can get rich in the Windows Store but because I think it provides a unique way to present SharePoint data. If you’re like me, you probably...
Windows 8 recently hit RTM and became generally available to MSDN and TechNet subscribers in the last couple of weeks. If you run Windows 8 Enterprise, one new feature you gain is the ability to use Hyper-V. I personally was excited to try...
When I am booted into Windows 8, I often find myself wanting to run some of my existing virtual machines that I created in Oracle Virtualbox of VMWare Workstation. These products do run under Windows 8 but there are a few things you need to know...