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Wildcard Search (
I see requests for this in the SharePoint forums a lot and I always figured it was pretty easy to do with a few lines of code. Sometimes users want to display a list of documents that the worked on throughout the farm. The CoreResultsWebPart...
SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Search has great wildcard search support built in now. However, it requires the use to add an asterisk to their query every time they want a wildcard search. This is a great step compared to what we had in MOSS 2007...
I’ve seen quite a few posts in the forums about people wanting to not search the contents of documents. These people for whatever reason were interested in just the title and path being searched. Out of the box, this of course is not possible...
I was reading the forums the other day and saw another post in the MOSS Search forum about someone wanting to be able to specify a custom sort order with the CoreResultsWebPart. WildcardSearchWebPart will allow you to specify a static full text...
Since, I have started working with Enterprise Search, I have received many requests looking for ways to improve what we can do with documents. The search results screen in MOSS, as flexible as it is, has always been lacking in features compared to search...
Release 3 of the Wildcard Search Web Part is now available. This minor update fixes a user reported issue where the scope property was not being used. If you are new to the blog, the Wildcard Search web part allows a user to do partial word queries with...
I am very glad to see that the Wildcard Search Web Part has been so well received. It's nice to know so many people are getting good use out of it. I have had a number of comments about it regarding what else works with it and what doesn't so...
You may have a case where you want to search for files that were recently modified. Sure, you can use a CAML query to do this, but what if you want to look for recently changed files across multiple content sources? Sure, you can write your own Full Text...
I have had countless people tell me that they want to be able to do wildcard search in MOSS Enterprise Search using the existing Search Center site templates. The Search Center site template uses keyword query syntax which does not support wildcards....