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If you are already familiar with SharePoint 2010, you already know how easy it is to build and deploy a web part now. However, this post is for those that don’t keep up with SharePoint as some of us do and may not realize how the development experience...
UPDATE: Building Web Parts in SharePoint 2010 I've recently helped out a number of developers new to SharePoint and I found that I have been often asked the same types of questions. Most of those involve getting started and deployment, so today, I...
Let's face it, any new SharePoint developer is going to run into an error such as the one below when starting out. [WebPartPageUserException: Cannot import MyWebPart Web Part.] at Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPartImporter.CreateWebPart(Boolean...
As a new SharePoint developer, you will be directed to install your first Hello World web part in the GAC. Right now red flags should be going off for any non-noob developer. This allows your code to operate with Full Trust (which is bad). To properly...