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Sorry, I’ve been slacking. I’m a full week behind on posting my slides from SharePoint Saturday Houston 2011 . This SharePoint Saturday was certainly unforgettable and I had a great time both attending and speaking. I presented my Beginning...
You know by now that the cloud is hot and Microsoft says “we’re all in”. That being said, there has never been a better time to push all of those chips forward and jump on the bandwagon. It’s time to get some experience with SharePoint...
Yesterday, I showed you how to deploy a regular web part to MOSS 2007 / WSS3 that was built and packaged in Visual Studio 2010 . Today, we can take that a step further and take advantage of the new Visual Web Part and deploy it the same way. ...
That’s a mouth full. I always suspected it was possible to use Visual Studio 2010 to package up my SharePoint web parts and other artifacts into a solution (.wsp file) and turn around and deploy that code into MOSS 2007. Today I gave it a...
If you are already familiar with SharePoint 2010, you already know how easy it is to build and deploy a web part now. However, this post is for those that don’t keep up with SharePoint as some of us do and may not realize how the development experience...
I have a talk coming up on Code Access Security at SharePoint Saturday Kansas City next month so I have been investigating sandboxed solutions quite a bit. After all, sandboxed solutions are just another flavor of using CAS with some additional...
By now, you have heard about how the SharePoint 2010 development experience has been improved. We can easily deploy web parts and other code without having to manually manipulate any XML files. What about under partial trust though? ...
You might have seen that there is a new designer for working with web parts in Visual Studio 2010. This is actually, not quite the case, so I thought I would share with you how it actually works. When you use the Visual Web Part SPI (SharePoint...