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Thanks to everyone who attended my Office 365 Lync and Learn session last week.  I enjoyed the opportunity to show everyone how they can use Visual Studio 2012 RC to get started with SharePoint Online development.  I’ve attached a link to my...
I’ve been writing a series of posts about SharePoint development using Visual Studio 11 Beta for a while.  Since I have written quite a few posts now, I thought it would be useful to compile all of them here in a list if you want to review what’s...
I’ve posted a number of articles about Visual Studio 11 to date and today’s article talks about the new SharePoint Project Item, Site Definition.  This is a new SPI available in Visual Studio 11.  Previously, you had to create site definitions...
I survived another SharePoint Saturday in Houston this weekend and had a great time.  It was fun seeing old friends and making some new ones as well.  As promised, here is a link to my slide deck posted on SlideShare.  Thanks again to Victor...
I’ve written a number of posts in the last couple of weeks about the new SharePoint features in the Visual Studio 11 developer preview.  These posts include publishing to SharePoint Online , Visual Web Parts , Silverlight Web Part , and the Content...
Visual Studio 11 introduces a new content type editor that you might find useful when building your next content type.  It starts with a SharePoint Project Item that you can pick from the New Item menu. From this screen, give your new content type...
Visual Studio 11 adds a new feature that makes working with Silverlight in SharePoint 2010 a bit easier.  The new Silverlight Web Part feature automates deploying your Silverlight applications to SharePoint and can really save you a bit of time. ...
I recently published my first post about SharePoint development with Visual Studio 11 and I mentioned that there were some changes in how the Visual Web Part worked.  If you are familiar with the Visual Web Part in Visual Studio 2010 , you know it...