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Visual Studio 11 adds a new feature that makes working with Silverlight in SharePoint 2010 a bit easier.  The new Silverlight Web Part feature automates deploying your Silverlight applications to SharePoint and can really save you a bit of time. ...
At my Search talk at SPC11, I demoed how to build a Silverlight application that could query search in SharePoint Online .  I also built a separate application that could query people search, but I haven’t posted on it yet until today.  To query...
Yesterday, I talked about how we can use FQL with the Search Web Service .  As promised, I am continuing the series about the search web service to talk about how we can take advantage of refiners.  As you may know, FAST Search for SharePoint...
I’ve written many posts on how to query search ( Keyword in 2010 , Keyword in 2007 , QueryManager , Web Service , FQL using Keyword ) and I wanted to keep up the tradition and talk about how easy it is to get started using FQL with the Search Web Service...
At SharePoint Conference 2011, I showed off a great looking advanced search application using Silverlight 4.  This application queried the Search web service at /_vti_bin/search.asmx to retrieve results and display them directly inside the application...
One misconception I have heard is that SharePoint 2010 is completely based on Silverlight.  While SharePoint does use Silverlight now in various places, I would say most of it is still based upon regular ASP.NET pages.  I haven’t seen anything...