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It looks like the answer is no.  When you click the Include Content checkbox on the Save as Template page, it looks like only the latest version of documents and lists items are included in the .wsp file.  I ran a few tests and here is what...
When the NDA dropped, I mentioned how you could use the new PropertyBag element in a feature to write values into the property bag of a site.  I already thought that was going to be incredibly useful, but it turns out the power of this new element...
One of my favorite new features in SharePoint 2010 is the ability to have lists relate to each other and the fact that you can maintain referential integrity.  Now, I am sure there are at least 50 posts out there already that show you how to do this...
One of my favorite features in SharePoint 2010 is External Lists.  If you haven’t heard by now, the MOSS 2007 Business Data Catalog (BDC) has become Business Connectivity Services (BCS) in SharePoint 2010.  The ever better part is that it is...
One misconception I have heard is that SharePoint 2010 is completely based on Silverlight.  While SharePoint does use Silverlight now in various places, I would say most of it is still based upon regular ASP.NET pages.  I haven’t seen anything...
What I really like about SharePoint 2010 is all of the new ways we can get at list data.  You can always use the Client Object Model, Linq to SharePoint, or the existing object model, but one neat new way to get at list data is with listdata.svc...
One new feature in SharePoint 2010 is the ability to version and upgrade features.  I haven’t seen a lot of people talking about it yet, so I thought I would take a few minutes to talk about it today.  It’s an interesting new feature and I’ll...
I had a great time at SharePoint Saturday Kansas City.  @MossLover and @SharePointKevin as well as many others did a great job organizing this event.  I met a bunch of great new people and I got to see some familiar faces again.  I had...
I am pretty passionate about Enterprise Search and with MOSS 2007 I saw customers really struggle because wildcard search was not offered out of the box and most of the web parts in Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebParts are sealed.  Luckily, the...
I’m not expert in PowerShell, but I thought I would share a few basics I picked up at Ignite and various other places along the way when it comes to getting started with PowerShell.  The easiest way to issue SharePoint commands with PowerShell is...
Visual Studio 2010 makes it really easy to add and deploy solutions when you are developing, but you may eventually want to deploy those solution packages elsewhere right?  We can still use stsadm, but that is effectively considered deprecated now...
If you have tried to build a quick console application using Visual Studio 2010 to work with SharePoint 2010, you might find that you run into the following error. Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The Web application at http://sp2010...
I have a talk coming up on Code Access Security at SharePoint Saturday Kansas City next month so I have been investigating sandboxed solutions quite a bit.  After all, sandboxed solutions are just another flavor of using CAS with some additional...
In SharePoint 2010, there is the concept of a UI Version and it has a value of 3 or 4.  When you upgrade your existing site, it will leave you at Version 3 which looks just like WSS3.  However, you have the capability to upgrade to the new SharePoint...
By now, you have heard about how the SharePoint 2010 development experience has been improved.  We can easily deploy web parts and other code without having to manually manipulate any XML files.  What about under partial trust though? ...
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