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There are a number of feature improvements in SharePoint 2010.  They have made many changes which allow you to do more with features when they are activated or upgraded.  One of the new features it the ability to write to the property bag. ...
MOSS 2007 was a very capable ECM product but there were definitely some things in it that required coding to accomplish.  There are five specific areas that are new or that have been improved that are worth mentioning for the world of Enterprise...
As you have already probably heard, a bunch of things have been added to Visual Studio to make the development effort less painful.  After working with the new version for a little while, I have got to say it will definitely change the way you think...
SharePoint 2010 has a number of new features centered around working with large lists.  SP2010 can support up to 50 million items in a list now, but you don’t obviously want to return all of those in a single query.  To aid with this, SP2010...
I’m very excited that we all get to start talking about SharePoint 2010.  There are so many great new features in the products, I think it will be a great platform for building applications next year.  This is the start on my series of blog...
Now that the NDA has been lifted, I am excited to talk about some of things that I have noticed are new, interesting, or changed in SharePoint 2010.  This post today is just a bullet list of random things that I thought were worth mentioning. Standard...
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