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Updated 2/4/2015: Read my full Sling TV product review on IT Unity . Dish Network announced at CES this week a new Internet-based TV service called Sling TV for $20 / month. This new service, scheduled to launch in the first quarter of 2015, will...
While I have always been a die hard fan of my Surface 2 and Surface RT , when the Surface Pro 3 was announced I was pretty excited. As someone that travels a lot, I question every item that goes into my bag. I am done with carrying around...
My wife and I rushed to the UPS facility to pick up our Surface Pro 3 devices this morning. I just wanted to take a few minutes to show the unboxing before I post my full review coming up. The Surface Pro 3 arrived in a gigantic box compared to...
I take my Surface RT everywhere and I do mean everywhere. Whether it is lunch, the bar, the airplane, user group presentation, a client demo, if I am out and about, chances are I have my Surface RT with me. In the past month or so (long before the Surface...
I decided to download the trial of BDC Meta Man Web Edition from Lightning Tools today since I have used BDC Meta Man so much in the past. I found the tool to be quite functional and I easily able to connect to a database table and import an application...
As some of you know I have been doing quite a bit with MOSS Enterprise Search lately. I have got it working great for a lot of different things. As I was testing today, however I noticed when using the search box on the default search page, it was only...
Many of you have already heard me complaining about the tedious task of generating a schema for the MOSS Business Data Connector. Its a painful process and I always said there is no reason why it can't be automated. I wanted a product that I could...