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One of the coolest features unique to SharePoint Online is the ability to share sites with external users.  I’ve noticed the functionality was there throughout the beta but I believe I hadn’t actually been able to get it to work until GA.  Even...
During the Office 365 beta, I wrote a post about how to create a public facing web site with SharePoint Online.  This gives you a simple site that you can then begin to customize to your needs.  However, many people have said they found it lacking...
I had been told from the beginning that you can create “simple” public facing websites with SharePoint Online / Office 365.  However, I had never seen the setting a place to create the public web site in the beta until recently.  If you go to...
You know by now that the cloud is hot and Microsoft says “we’re all in”.  That being said, there has never been a better time to push all of those chips forward and  jump on the bandwagon.  It’s time to get some experience with SharePoint...
We’ve been hearing about the new version of SharePoint Online in the cloud under the Office 365 umbrella for some time now, so I was excited when my company ( Stonebridge ) got our beta invite.  I’m just going to be talking about SharePoint Online...
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