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Today, this blog reaches an important milestone. This is my 500th post. It's just a number, but I thought I would use it as an opportunity to talk about the history of the blog and where it is heading. On December 1st, 2004, I wrote my first .NET...
Look! It's a post that isn't about SharePoint! Today, I want to talk about some of the issues I have run into when trying to update data using a GridView when bound to a LinqDataSource. This data source has an EnableUpdate property, but unfortunately...
LINQ to SQL has already proved to be extremely easy to use to create object relational mappings when you have an existing database schema using the Object Relational Designer. This designer is good, but you may not want something that is autogenerating...
The other day I was reading Charlie Calvert's excellent post on LINQ and Deferred Execution and stumbled upon a logging feature inside LINQ to SQL. By setting the Log property to a TextWriter (in this case Console.Out), LINQ to SQL will log the query...
So by now, I can assume everyone has been listening to me and you are using partial trust in all of your SharePoint environments right? Ok, probably not, but for the two of you in the world that are, this post is for you. If you decide to use LINQ to...
I have been messing around with LINQ (both with SQL and XML) and am pretty familiar with the query syntax right now, but I wasn't sure at first how to get a single object. It's actually pretty simple using a lambda expression. Assume I have a...
With the release of the 3.5 extensions to the framework, there has been a lot of talk about LINQ and with it LINQ to SQL. Well I was interested in more how LINQ to SQL actually worked so I decided to take a look at some of the files it generates in the...
The ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions Preview came out this week. The biggest feature people are of course talking about is the MVC framework. I won't be talking about that today since ten thousand other people already are. Today I will be talking about a new...