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LINQ to DataSet (
I have posted in the past about how to use the KeywordQuery class to execute an Enterprise Search query. This makes it easy to get a DataTable containing search results. However, one caveat with this is that some columns get returned as a string array...
As you know, LINQ is similar in a lot of ways to T-SQL, but as you go to start doing things with grouping or joining, you will find that that there are some syntactical differences. There are two ways you can use the group clause in LINQ, which way you...
I don't think there are enough complete examples on using the KeywordQuery class out there, so I am posting this today to help out. The example in the SDK is close, but not quite enough. The KeywordQuery class is used to execute a keyword syntax query...
Unfortunately, most of us aren't working in a perfect world, so it is bound to happen that you run into a dataset or two. Whatever the reason (the developer was lazy, you're maintaining legacy code, someone didn't know any better, or you're...