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A lot of times we have a need to activate a feature on multiple site collections. This could be a custom feature to do branding or you may simply be activating publishing on multiple site collections. PowerShell makes tasks like these easy...
As someone who focuses mostly on ECM and Search, I am a huge fan of the new Metadata Navigation feature on document libraries in SharePoint 2010. It provides a great alternative to folders when it comes to navigating your document libraries. ...
I was looking at the analytics of the site the other day and I noticed that my post, Adding and Deploying Solutions with PowerShell , currently has the most traffic on the site. I had always intended to write a follow up post on this, so here it...
I’ve been talking a lot about external lists lately as you may know. They are so easy to create with SharePoint Designer, but you wouldn’t really deploy them to production that way would you? Of course not! We need a feature. At...
If you are already familiar with SharePoint 2010, you already know how easy it is to build and deploy a web part now. However, this post is for those that don’t keep up with SharePoint as some of us do and may not realize how the development experience...
When the NDA dropped, I mentioned how you could use the new PropertyBag element in a feature to write values into the property bag of a site. I already thought that was going to be incredibly useful, but it turns out the power of this new element...
One new feature in SharePoint 2010 is the ability to version and upgrade features. I haven’t seen a lot of people talking about it yet, so I thought I would take a few minutes to talk about it today. It’s an interesting new feature and I’ll...
There are a number of feature improvements in SharePoint 2010. They have made many changes which allow you to do more with features when they are activated or upgraded. One of the new features it the ability to write to the property bag. ...
I’ve always liked the power of CAML because it allows me to create so much in SharePoint without ever having to write a line of code. However, there really isn’t enough examples out there, so I like writing posts like these that focus on doing something...
If you’re like me at all, you like to see compete examples of how to do things. Yes, I can usually read something and apply what I already know, but sometimes, it is nice to see a fully working example of something, before you try something on your...
Ever been on the features page and wondered what the Id of a Feature is? The features page in the SharePoint UI is obviously a quick and easy way to activate and deactivate features. However, at first glance all you see is the title and description...
I’ve been chasing this particular error for a little while and thought I would take the time to share my experience and how to resolve it. The scenario I had is I have a custom content type with several custom site columns. I generated the...
A few months ago, I discussed how to use LINQ to XML to parse your elements.xml file to delete any files that you may have deployed on feature activation. Today I have decided to reuse this concept to delete any lists that I have created when I...
This week, I needed to deploy lookup columns to some of my lists and as usual I wanted to avoid writing code at all costs. As some of you may know, Kyle Kelin and I debate this topic often as he prefers a code approach. I figured it had to...
I am about to do start giving some training again, so I thought I would work on some more content for the blog that I could refer to people to when they are trying things out. Today, I want to start out with the basic task of deploying a page to...
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