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I’ve been working on putting some stuff together for my talks at SharePoint Saturday Ozarks ( #SPSOzarks ) and ran into this interesting issue.  Now this may just be an isolated incident, but I have discovered a few errors that occur when trying...
I’ve seen a few people asking about this in the Crawl Logs and thought I would take a few minutes to address it.  First and foremost this is a warning and not an error message.  Sometimes when you receive this message, it is the crawler behaving...
This is kind of a strange error that I sometime receive when trying to startup a crawl in Enterprise Search.  I have only received it on MOSS servers with the Infrastructure Update applied, but it might occur on other versions as well.  The...
Last week, I demonstrated how to call the Enterprise Search web service to get search results to a colleague.  I pointed him to my post on querying a web service and he was able to easily put the code together to call the web service.  However...
There seems to be a huge plague of the following error sweeping through the SharePoint community right now. This occurs when you go to the Search Settings page on your SSP. You will probably notice it before this by a user trying to search and getting...
I was working on an Enterprise Search deployment the other day and I encountered this lovely error. I found the answer buried in some forum posts, but I wanted to tell you what side effects I found when implementing the solution (and I wanted to make...
I have caused this to happen a number of times and the answer isn't obvious at first, so I thought I would post on it and explain what causes it and how to fix it. The behavior usually occurs for me when I am deploying a SearchBoxEx web part via a...