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Recently, I wrote my own control to allow drilldown on Facets for one of our Enterprise Search pages, and someone pointed out to me that it never returns more than 50 results. It was then I remembered seeing a RowLimit property on the KeywordQuery and...
In my previous post about using the KeywordQuery class, I had one small omission. The fact is that when you add your own managed properties using the SelectProperties collection of the keyword class, the data type you get back is a string[] containing...
At some point you may want to do an Enterprise Search query and specify that the results come from a particular content source. A lot of times you might create a custom scope with that content source in it, but if you don't want to create a new scope...
Today I realized that when I blogged about how to use the KeywordQuery class, I forgot to mention how to specify the scope(s) you are querying. You would think there would be a built-in property to set this, but there isn't. I wanted to see how Microsoft...
A while back, I posted a how to on using the KeywordQuery class and it seemed to get pretty good response, so I figured I would post a follow up on how to use the FullTextSqlQuery class today. It's actually pretty similar to using the KeywordQuery...
Yesterday, I talked about an issue with the SearchBox Web Part resulting from not having the Scope Display Group it used defined on my site collection. I mentioned, the best way to fix this was to have your feature create the scope display group for you...
I have caused this to happen a number of times and the answer isn't obvious at first, so I thought I would post on it and explain what causes it and how to fix it. The behavior usually occurs for me when I am deploying a SearchBoxEx web part via a...
I'll be giving my talk on Searching Business Data with MOSS Enterprise Search at the Tulsa SharePoint Developer's User Group on March 10th. This is the same presentation I gave at TechFest, but I have updated it some and will likely also cover...
This unfortunately is not as simple as it should be. Out of the box, there is not an option to delete a single crawled property. I sort of understand the reason behind this, but when developing its very easy to get your crawled properties filled with...
I don't think there are enough complete examples on using the KeywordQuery class out there, so I am posting this today to help out. The example in the SDK is close, but not quite enough. The KeywordQuery class is used to execute a keyword syntax query...
In MOSS Enterprise Search, the maxium size of a file that it will index is 16 MB. This is probably not an issue for most people, but some organizations do have large PDFs, PowerPoints, etc. This is becoming a little more common knowledge, but I thought...
MOSS Enterprise Search has proven to be a great tool for allowing users to search Line of Business systems and documents at the same time. Out of the box, the Search Center provides some great looking search resuts. However I keep hearing the same two...
I tend to write the most about things that I am currently working with. Today I have been working with the Business Data Catalog (BDC) again and I thought I might point out how to configure a default action because it isn't very well documented. A...
The other day, I was tweaking the display of my CoreResultsWebPart and after I made some changes and redeployed my search feature, when I executed a search, I got the following error. Your search cannot be completed because of a service error. Try your...
I normally focus on actual useful information rather than just opinion, but today I am going to deviate a bit. After attening Tech Fest and listening to the elitists bash SharePoint as usual, I thought it was time for a post. I'll be the first to...
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