A quick way to get to list settings in SharePoint-hosted apps

Posted Tuesday, December 16, 2014 2:53 PM by CoreyRoth

If you are a developer working with the SharePoint app model and have deployed a list, you might have noticed that the list settings button is missing from the ribbon.


Now, you typically probably don’t want to adjust list settings inside an app through the UI.  However, it’s not uncommon that you want to look at your list settings in the development process to confirm you did everything right.  For example, maybe you want to check the permissions on the list. 

If you know the List Id, you can always just go directly to ListEdit.aspx, but I find that’s a lot of work.  Instead, I found the easiest way is go to active the LIST ribbon and then click Modify View.


That will take you to a page where you can edit a view.  However, it also gives you a breadcrumb back to Settings.


You’ll now be on your list settings page.


This is a great way to manually set permissions on your list when needed.  You can also adjust a number of other settings.  Just be warned that some settings don’t work such as Information Management Policy Settings.  You will get a 500 error when you do that.

This is a simple tip but maybe some of you developers out there will find it useful.


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